This critically acclaimed film features an outstanding cast, including Prosenjit Chatterjee, late Soumitra Chatterjee, Gargi Roychowdhury, Sudipta Chakraborty and Indrani Halder and tells a poignant story of reunion and rediscovery of father – son.
The narrative follows a retired professor (played by late Soumitra Chatterjee), who is dealing with neurological issues, as he reconnects with his NRI son (portrayed by Prosenjit Chatterjee), who is facing a challenging phase in his life.
Their emotional journey reopens several closed chapters, leading to significant changes in both their lives.
Mayurakshi has been honored with the Best Bengali Feature Film award at the 65th National Film Awards and has received multiple accolades from Filmfare East and WBFJA. This narrative of love, loss, and rediscovery awaits its audience and is now streaming on hoichoi.